If you don't already know by now that you can save money on gas with a gas credit card then you should start looking into one. But before you start your journey and searching for the perfect card, you have to realize that all gas rebate credit cards are not created equal. I'm here today to show you differences between the cards and hopefully by the time you read this article, you'll be able to understand which card will work best for you.
Like any credit card, all gas cards have different APRs. The APR is going to be the rate applied to your unpaid balance. This is why it's generally important to pay off your bill in full each month so that you can avoid this. If you're disciplined and you pay your bill off in full each month then the APR shouldn't really matter to you.
The rewards
Even though you're applying for a gas rewards card, it doesn't necessarily mean you're going to get the rebate back. Before you apply, you're going to want to figure out how you're going to get your rebates back. Some cards are going to give your rebates back in the form of points while other cards will give it back to you in cash form. This is all to your liking but most people generally want to get their rebates back in cash form Autel MaxiSys.
Watch the caps
Caps are an essential part to your credit card especially if you fill up a lot. Some credit card companies only allow you to save on so much cash per year. If you plan on using your card a lot throughout the year, make sure you find out if the card is going to have a cap. Some cards have a cap and some don't. Sometimes you may find that a card with a cap will have better rates compared to ones that don't Autel Maxidas DS808.
The amount you get back
This is probably the most important one in my opinion. When you're on the lookout for your card, find out how much you're going to get back and where you can use the card at. Some cards only allow you to use them at particular gas stations. You'll usually be able to tell if a gas station logo is on the card itself. If there isn't a logo, then you probably can use it at any station. Once you figure out where you can use it, find out how much you're going to get back on each fill up. Rebates generally range anywhere from one percent to as much as five and beyond. It all depends on the card carrier.
Now that you know what to look out for when it applying, it's important that you do your research and don't apply for the first card that you see. Make sure that you always check out at least three to four cards before applying. If you do your research right, you can be saving a lot on gasoline in no time.
Find a gas card and more of Tom's work at FINDgascards.
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